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Twaddle 0.1.3

License: Free
Price: Free

Twaddle is another free Twitter app for Windows Mobile. It’s still being developed, so it’s missing some features but it still works as advertised.

* Viewing your timeline
* Viewing all your friends and their last tweets
* Viewing your own tweets
* Posting tweets, replies and retweets
* Custom interface supporting inertial scrolling (Check out some screenshots)
* Downloading of avatars + avatars of @replies of your friends
* Geotagging of your tweets
* Viewing the Google Map of geotagged posts
* OAuth support – no username / password entry required
* Portrait and landscape support
* Software Input Panel support in both portrait and landscape mode
* Copy / view URLs mentioned in posts
* Is.Gd URL shortening
* Popup notifications
* Tweets are saved locally and remembered next time you start Twaddle.

Windows Mobile Pocket PC 5 , 6 , 6.1 , 6.5

Mirror 1 | Mirror 2