License: Free
Price: Free
Smart Algebra 2.0 - program for plotting in polar and Cartesian coordinate systems. It is also possible to specify functions in parametric from a graph table.
* FullScreen
* Works on all resolutions correctly (starting with 240 * 176 800 * 480)
* Construction time up to nine plots (each graph, you can choose the color).
* Trace - tracking feature lets you move the pointer on the schedule and read the value of the function.
* Box - Draw a box around the desired area, then this area will be increased (Move the viewing area, trace the area to increase the possible finger / stylus / joystick)
* Automatic rescaling
* Pre - Previous set of scale (to change).
* Out / In the change of scale in accordance with the coefficients given in the Factor.
* QUICK - a rapid change of scale (a few defined scope).
* Calculator - a simple calculator.
* Picture - lifting screenshot of the screen (to save images in the folder \\ My Documents).
* Support for graphing in polar coordinates.
* Plotting given in parametric form. (To do this in the box you must enter the two functions separated by semicolons).
* Supported functions: sin, cos, tg, ln, log, sh, ch, th, exp, acos, asin, atg, int, frac, abs.
* Built-in Help
Windows Mobile Pocket PC 5 , 6
Mirror 1 | Mirror 2
Price: Free
Smart Algebra 2.0 - program for plotting in polar and Cartesian coordinate systems. It is also possible to specify functions in parametric from a graph table.
* FullScreen
* Works on all resolutions correctly (starting with 240 * 176 800 * 480)
* Construction time up to nine plots (each graph, you can choose the color).
* Trace - tracking feature lets you move the pointer on the schedule and read the value of the function.
* Box - Draw a box around the desired area, then this area will be increased (Move the viewing area, trace the area to increase the possible finger / stylus / joystick)
* Automatic rescaling
* Pre - Previous set of scale (to change).
* Out / In the change of scale in accordance with the coefficients given in the Factor.
* QUICK - a rapid change of scale (a few defined scope).
* Calculator - a simple calculator.
* Picture - lifting screenshot of the screen (to save images in the folder \\ My Documents).
* Support for graphing in polar coordinates.
* Plotting given in parametric form. (To do this in the box you must enter the two functions separated by semicolons).
* Supported functions: sin, cos, tg, ln, log, sh, ch, th, exp, acos, asin, atg, int, frac, abs.
* Built-in Help
Windows Mobile Pocket PC 5 , 6
Mirror 1 | Mirror 2